Ag. VlasiosCANVAS 4EventEVS

EVS Promotional Event in Chronical Diseases Infirmary “Agios Vlasios” 2018-2019

On Wednesday 5th of June 2019 the EVS promotional event was realized in Livadeia city. The scope of the event was to present the voluntary work of the European volunteers hosted in Chronical Diseases Infirmary “Agios Vlasios”.

The event started with video presentation from the volunteers’ work in the host organization “AGIOS VLASIOS” Infirmary.  The last part of the event was the performance with handmade muppets featuring the play of Aristophanes «Lisistrati» with the participation of the volunteers spoken in Greek language.

The event closed when volunteers received the applause and warm wishes from the audience. The Director of “AGIOS VLASIOS” Infirmary Mrs. Nektaria Argiriou offered them gifts and flowers and thanked them for their important role for elder during the past year. The President of the Infirmary, Bishop Georgios, gave a short speech about the importance of the voluntarism focusing on the values of the hosted volunteers.